Welcome to the Mammon Monologue

Talking about Mammon? Yeah, why not. Money-talk and financial thinking are infused throughout our lives, which is probably why the Bible talks about good stewardship of our time, money and resources…a lot!

My intention is to publish articles monthly which will explore topics related to the intersection of faith, money and economic life. Some of those will reflect on biblical themes, others on recent research related to economics and the Church/Christians, while others may venture into current events and topics in the news.

My perspective is rooted in the Christian tradition, but I value learning how a variety of faith traditions tackle economic questions through a faith lens.

About me? Seminary-trained, ecumenically minded, and more than two decades working in the financial services sector. I am not an expert on financial strategies and I don’t give legal, tax or financial advice. My product is perspective; helping others look broadly at how faith informs the ways we think about money.

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